Tuesday, April 10, 2012


After my "I think we learned a lot about which dogs perform the recall exercise well, and which do not" performance (Spoiler Alert: I was in the 'not' group) at last nights' Madison Puppy Class, I have been sentenced to life-on-the-long-line.  Tonight I was forced to earn my dinner one piece of kibble at a time as I performed recall exercises (both while wandering and from a STAY).  Ok, maybe it was three or four pieces at a time since the latter would take all day and Kelsey is a wimp when it comes to cold/windy weather.  At any rate, I miss the old days of the magic food bowl and meals for free.  I think it's finally sinking in that if I do something right the first time I get a good reward and I'm done, but if I don't do what I'm supposed to Kelsey will just make me repeat the skill 10 more times.  It's much easier to just do what I'm told, when I'm told!
Can you spot me?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Scout!!

    You look just like me at night.

