Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lessons from Tiny Humans

Everything important I've learned in life, I learned while babysitting tiny humans.

Lesson 1 - The best toys are the packages in which toys come in.  Why play with cars when you can simply wear the box?  Tiny humans sure have a funny way of accessorizing.

Lesson 2 - Never wage war with a two-year-old tiny human; they are neither rational nor relenting.  They may be smaller but they're a lot faster, stronger, and more persistent than they look.  However, if all else fails you can outwit tiny humans by dragging them across the floor until they eventually succumb to rug burns.

Lesson 3 - Furniture is not for sitting on; couch cushions, blankets, and pillows are far better suited for building forts.  However, when you eventually need to take a break and relax - pick the warmest, softest, and cutest location - plop down and take a load off.

Lesson 4 - At the end of a hard day the only good place to sleep is next to your best friend.  Who needs a bed when you have a puppy to snuggle with?

1 comment:

  1. Barry, Gordy and RoxieApril 17, 2012 at 7:50 AM

    Looks like Scout is doing a good job. Early intervention with tiny humans to teach them to serve us as we deserve!!
