Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Traveling Circus

Not just any pup can go and join the circus. You need to have a specific talent, the right attitude, and be very flexible (adaptable - not bendy - although I am both). One of the upsides of being in the circus is that you get to travel the country. I have worked all over the United States, including Georgia (my current location), Kansas, North Carolina, New York and many more. I may even get to stamp my passport soon - if I get permission.
The circus has given me the opportunity to meet so many different people (all of whom spoil me rotten!!).  On the road, I have a circus family. They come from all over the country and some of them talk really funny.  Kelsey trains them, just like she trains me. She even gives them treats if their really good.
So many people don't take the opportunity to travel while they are young, but this is my chance to grow and experience as much of life as I can. Despite what some people may think, life with the circus is not all clowning around. I work long days and I have to spend a lot of time in new and strange environments. Sometimes I miss my bed at home. Although, one of the biggest perks is that I always get free room and board, and I never have to carry my own luggage, which is fantastic because boy is there a lot of it!

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