Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Meeting of the Minds

Scout: “Heard you got in trouble tonight”
Howie: “Yeah, that darn cat wouldn’t stay.”
Scout: “He never stays when I tell him.”
Howie: “I know, but I just wanted to show him my new bone, so I shoved it right in his face, Kelsey sees me, comes around the sofa and takes my bone away, says something about leave it? Next thing I know, I’m out a bone and I have kitty spit all over my face.”
Scout: “She means well. She just doesn’t understand the meaning of ‘sharing is caring’.”
Howie: “I miss anything else cool in the house?”
Scout: “Another cat.”
Howie: “Oh, $#!*, you serious?”
Scout: “Yeah, bigger than the last one, though. I can catch him pretty easily. You should have seen the mess I made. He looked like a crumpled heap of plastic by the time I finished him.”
Howie: “You killed him?”
Scout: “Hey, he was trespassing, right?”
Howie: “Kelsey is going to be soooo mad when she finds out!”
Scout: “No she won’t. I hid the remains under her bed. She’ll never find it.”
Howie: “……..You know you killed an empty milk jug right?”
Scout: “You couldn’t just let me have this moment could you!”

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