Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Circus Act

In order to go to school today, Kelsey put me on the floor of the passenger seat of her car.  Silly Human...she thought she could shut the door, walk around the car and get in the open driver's side door.  I proved her wrong by jumping out the driver's door and running around the car to meet her halfway.  Hello!
In an attempt to foil me, Kelsey walked over to shut the driver's door.  Silly Human...I jumped past her and plopped down on the driver's seat.  Ready to go! Apparently not, because Kelsey booted me out of the car, shut the driver's door and walked me back over to the passenger's side.
In an attempt to foil me again, Kelsey put me on the floor of the passenger seat and commanded me to STAY.  Silly Human...I just jumped across the center counsel and stood on both the driver and passenger seats wagging my tail, while Kelsey attempted to walk around the car.
After a few deep breaths, Kelsey made a final attempt to foil me.  This time she hooked my leash around the interior car door handle and tied it tight.  Silly Human...I jumped to greet her on the driver's side but my efforts met an abrupt end and my butt met the passenger floor for the first time all morning.  Darn it....Silly Doggy.
Proof I finally figured this car riding thing out.
Now that everyone was in their proper place, we headed off to school with Kelsey muttering under her breath that it was a good thing the circus had left town or they may have asked us clowns to join their act. GRIN!  What can I say, I'm nothing if not pure entertainment.

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