Tuesday, February 21, 2012


One year ago today, I sent my first email to OccuPaws inquiring about becoming involved in the organization.  In the year since then, I've had the wonderful opportunity of:

  • Welcoming 14 puppies in training into my home (I made the mistake of feeding some, so they've come back again & again & again...)
  • Attending dozens of events and fundraisers.  My favorite to date is Puppies on Parmenter.  This year I plan to actually walk around and visit all of the businesses and not get rained on!
  • Gaining a wonderful extended family of puppy raisers, puppy sitters, and volunteers.
  • Meeting hundreds if not thousands of people who probably never would have spoken to me otherwise if not to inquire about OccuPaws and the miracle on the end of the leash I was holding. 

Thank you to OccuPaws for all of the incredible experiences I have gained over the past year.  My house may be covered with dog hair that I'll never be able to remove and my left arm may be permanently longer than my right but the memories and opportunities I've gained will surely last me a lifetime.  I look back on the past year with an incredible fondness and I look forward to the coming year with complete excitement.

Thank you OccuPaws!


  1. Happy Anniversary! We are glad you are with us.

  2. And we're glad to have you and every volunteer who helps, although few have gone as above and beyond the call of duty as you have!!
