Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to Annoy your Big Brother

1. I'm Not Touching You
This move is executed by standing or sitting next to your big brother and sticking your nose in their face.  Technically you're not touching them, but you are invading their personal space. They may try to ignore you for a little while, but keep at it; they have to crack eventually.

2. Invasion of Enemy Territory
When your big brother is not around, simply enter their doggie bed and rummage around their bedding. If they've got a toy stored in there, "borrow" it. Just make sure they "catch" you and watch as the struggle ensues.

3. Collar Quality Test
A well-timed yank of the collar does wonders for annoying your big brother. In the interest of feigning innocence, however, you should limit this to only when you big brother has a toy in his mouth. 'What, I was aiming for the toy and missed? I'm a baby, give me a break.'

4. The Sneak Attack
This one requires a lot of patience, but the payoff is well worth it. While your toy-hogging big brother is busy monopolizing all the good bones, set yourself up somewhere nearby but out of sight - just make sure there is an easily accessible escape route. All you have to do is wait until they settle in, then you can jump out with a REALLY high pitched bark, nearly giving your big brother a heart attack. And while it may be tempting to stand around and watch his reaction, don't. Run!!! Because once your brother recovers - you're in for it. 

5. The Cute-Out
A bit obvious, but definitely a classic. While your big brother is off in the other room learning some new tricks, sprawl out on the floor and feign sleep while wearing your best cute puppy look. Continue in this position until attention is diverted from your big brother in order to take several pictures of you.

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