Thursday, September 29, 2011


Bristol’s Update!

Everybody has been asking about Bristol’s progress. It is probably best for her to tell you all about how she is doing.


“Hi everybody!

First of all, thanks to everybody for all of their good wishes. With lots of TLC and anti-biotics I am getting better. My neck is still a little stiff – which makes it REALLY hard to keep track of my brother, Barry when he wants to play with me. My temporary mom and dad, Barb and Mark, won’t let me play as much as I want. They say I still need to take it easy. Give me a break- I am a young lab – let me RUN. All the doctors are still trying to figure out why I got sick twice/three times. I am waiting for some more blood tests to come back – maybe that will tell them why.(I am still on anti-biotics) In the meantime, Barb and Mark are not falling for the “I am sick let me do what I want” routine. They make me wait in the crate before I eat, wait to go outside, wait to come inside, wait, wait, wait. They are also working on something called “settle”. I am supposed to just lay down without wiggling. Boy is that hard! Please keep up the good wishes.



  1. Just received the Tic Panel results. Bristol has something called Babesia (which is a tic borne blood protozoa) with symptoms like Malaria. Very rare. Vets are working on a treatment plan.

  2. Who are the puppies on the sidebar?

  3. Just starting to populate the sidebar and will try and get names attached, but from top to bottom We have Promise, Echo, Lilly, and Roxie.

  4. Removed some of the old pictures and now have Everyone from the "B" litter and younger. Will add the "A" Litter soon!
