Monday, November 26, 2012

Holiday Thank You

During the holiday season, it’s important to take time to reflect on those who have impacted your life. Over the past few years, I've had the opportunity to volunteer for OccuPaws in several capacities. While I’d like to believe my involvement has enriched the organization in some way, I feel that the benefits I've received will far exceed anything I could ever hope to give back. So I’d like to thank my current Guide Dog in Training, Merit, for the remarkable ways he finds to change my life every day.

You've added a new sense of adventure into my life.
Every day, I make decisions and plans with the thought of whether this will be a new and positive training experience for you. The immense task of preparing you for the world forces both of us to explore and venture to places and meet people we would have never encountered otherwise.

You’re always so enthusiastic and upbeat.
Whenever I see you, you’re full of happiness and enthusiasm which makes being with you so enjoyable. Even when I’m grumpy, stressed, or tired, you find a way to make me feel good. You always make me feel loved and appreciated.

You’re an amazing listener.
Although you probably have no idea what I’m telling you and talking to you probably makes me the ‘crazy dog lady’, I can take solace in sharing my secrets and challenges with you. It is incredibly therapeutic and I cannot thank you enough for always finding a way to make me feel better.

You inspire me.
Every day you go to work happy to assist someone in any way you can and if you don’t know how, you’re always willing to learn. You work long hours without complaint. You are willing to do whatever I ask of you without regard for personal gain. You are a true example of balance and selflessness.

You've taught me so much about compassion and caring.
You are always filled with love for everyone you come into contact with and you care deeply about everyone you meet. No one is a stranger to you. Everyone who knows you, myself included, should consider themselves lucky to have you in their life.

Many puppy raisers say they raise dogs so that someday that dog can go on to change someones life, but you didn't wait for a certificate or a visually impaired partner, you found a way to go out and change the world all on your own. Thank you for letting me be the one on the other end of the leash.

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