Monday, August 12, 2013

Food Bowl Myth

I've heard rumors of this mecca to which ordinary dogs travel. Most call it a Food Bowl, but to me it is pure myth.

The myth says that food gods descend three times a day and use their magical powers to grow kibble in a shiny silver bowl. If you drool, beg, stare and whine loud enough, the gods will hear you and you shall be fed. I have searched in vain to locate this magical place but it appears I landed in the only house on earth without one! I thought I had discovered it, however, the only thing growing in the shiny silver bowls I found, was water. What a jip!

After nearly a week of unsuccessful attempts to locate the Food Bowl, I consulted my wise mentor, Merit. He nearly fell off his Place laughing so hard - How Rude! When he regained his composure, he informed me that his magic bowl did not arrive until he was eight months old and that even when it did arrive, it only produced a small percentage of his daily rations and the price... even more torturous lessons involving #theskillthatshallnotbenamed {Impulse Control}. How will I ever survive in this crazy place?

You see, my human has this philosophy that if I have to earn my food, then I will work harder and extend more effort toward my training...
I must concede that she is right - Don't tell her I said so. It took me awhile to give into the idea that food isn't free around here, but now that I'm on board, I am learning quickly and picking up many new skills. At only 7 weeks old, I am already staying on my Place with distractions, targeting with my nose & paw, and doing Sits/Downs/Stands and finding Heel position all on a verbal only command - Yep, I rock! I must admit that training has become a lot of fun and I get more excited each day to use my brain to think harder and learn more. As long as I'm hungry, I will always have time for more training, and since I'm a lab I guess that means I get to have this much fun FOREVER!

I can't speak for other dogs and their Food Bowls, but this pup is happy to remain in a place where the Food Bowl is just a MYTH.

1 Days Food to Training Ratio - Merit (L), Trust (R)
*Trust earns hers one piece at a time. Merit works for small handfuls.